ViA Gem-Water by VitaJuwel (Wellness)
Transform your everyday water.
What in the world is gem-water?
Quite simply, it’s any water enlivened and restructured by the natural vibration of gemstones.
On the Go
Let our gem blends work their magic all day long. Simply refill with your own tap or filtered water. Choose from 18 blends.Â
AMETHYST • ROSE QUARTZ • CLEAR QUARTZIf your goal is overall well being, this is the quintessential gem-water blend for you. If you’re unsure which VitaJuwel gem-waterblend might best suit you, choose Wellness to start your collection. Traditional Naturopathic Uses:In the natural healing arts this blend of amethyst, rose quartz, and clear quartz is said to stimulate and soothe the mind and emotions, foster tranquility, and support healthy and radiant skin. Â